Thee Rang 跡地 跡地

guys, write in script

記体をかけない事に気づいた。昔から苦手ではあった。何せ、初めてアルファベットを習う中学1年の頃に、ブロック体と同時に教えられたので印象が薄い上に普段あんまり書かないからである。しかも、自信のあるスペル(helloとかwould you pleaseとかそういうの)は当然筆記体でもすらすら書けるが長い単語やなんとなく書きにくい単語(自分の名前とか)を書くときは筆記体がめんどくさいからという理由でブロック体で書いてきたからだ。
 今日何気なく仕事中に書いていたらかけなかったのでショックをうけて思わずグーグルで検索して筆記体の書き方を調べてしまった。調査の結果、僕がかけない文字は "z" "G" "J" "Q" "S" "T" "V" "Z" と多数あることが発覚し絶望した。早速練習はしてみるもののどうもGとSの違いがよくわからない。z、Zもはっきりいって今までに描いた覚えのない字だ。どうやらいままで小文字のzとjを同じ文字で書いていた事が発覚し、たまにテストとかでもこうやって書いてきて普通に問題なかったんだと思うと空恐ろしさを感じた。まあだがしかしアメリカの学生の筆記体などは崩れまくってて他人が読むのが難しい程とも言われるらしいのでそれにくらべりゃまだわかりやすいほうかな…!

 I found myself that i can't write some letters in script. Surelly, I've not been good at that, coz we learned that and block letter at same time in our first class of Junior-high-school. I can write down spells that have simple letters and I used to write (ex, "hello", "would you please" and so on) , but Iv written letters by Block when i got to spell complex and hard to write words.
Today, The fact that I couldn't write enough in script gave me a great shock, and I can't help investigating about this prb on Google. After all, I could't write below charactors....
"z" "G" "J" "Q" "S" "T" "V" "Z"
I found this truth and disapaired. Though i started training quicklly, I couldn't figure out the difference of "G" and "S" clearlly."z" and "Z" letter had first meeting to me. And I felt disappointment to myself getting the fact that Ive written "z" as same as "j" on examinations...but i guess im better than recent American students ....coz ive heard that they arn't able to read discriptions by others.
I hope I wouldn't forget even for some time how to write in script from now on.....but no matter what, I can hardlly receive the form of "z" and "Z"....this form looks like mixture of "j" and "g"...Hey Dude, please change this by making maneuver.
I guess it will take longer to get used to writing script.
